Special interest groups

SAPC hosts and supports a number of Special Interest Groups (SIGs). SIGs are an important part of our work to achieve impact through collaboration

Dr Jo Protheroe, SAPC Treasurer is our SIGs lead. Here she describes how we support our SIGs and how you can get involved.

To find out more about setting up a new SIG, click here

Click on each of the titles below to read more about the SIGs that we currently support

Behaviour Change

To promote research incorporating health behaviour change in primary care.


To raise awareness of compassion in health care and its implications for health care education in primary care.


To promote research into the diagnosis and management of the skin problems commonly seen in primary care.

Education research

The SAPC Education Research Special Interest Group is a community of people whose interests range across teaching and research expertise in primary care.


The genetics group was formed in 2012 to create a forum for sharing information and news in genetics in primary care

Health Literacy

To raise the profile of Health Literacy in the UK; and to share skills, ideas and develop new research in the field of HL in the UK and internationally

Palliative care

To stimulate palliative care research in primary care and to consolidate a sound academic research base for palliative care in the community.

Personal Care

Healthcare which focuses on the whole person and their illness, rather than a disease or condition.